Wednesday, November 27, 2013


When people ponder about who or what they are thankful for, they always refer to their family members or friends. Few are grateful for their classmates, but now they have to be. I could list various names in my class I am grateful for, but in my opinion, one person makes the class interesting (apart from the teacher of course; extra credit for that one). That person is Devin O'banion. He is not only smart and intellectual (always using big words), he's also funny and makes the class worth while. He brings up meaningful questions and comments that could be debated upon and cause uproar in the classroom. Devin is definitely a person I am grateful for. He is funny, smart, and always has something meaningful to say about the topics that we discuss we in class. When I'm not in the mood for English, his comments usually get me interested in the class once more. He is a great classmate and friend, and I am truly thankful for him. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

    When I heard the topic of this blog, it was vague to me. What does it mean to celebrate oneself? I interpreted it to mean that one should be proud of themselves for what they've accomplished. Big or small, an accomplishment is still great and if no one will praise you for it, then praise yourself. Even if it's a special occasion and no one shows concern for it, then show concern for yourself. You'll be much happier recognizing yourself than waiting for someone else to recognize you.
   My friend once told me about this homeless man on the bus. He was singing happy birthday to himself and everyone looked at him weirdly. I admire that man because he didn't wait for someone to recognize him. If it's your birthday and no one sings to you, then sing to yourself and make yourself happy. Whether you've done something good or not, appreciate yourself because you can. Not everyone will be proud of you or praise you so do it yourself.
   The same way, when my mother sneezes, she says, "Bless me." I often laugh at this because not many people say, "Bless me," when they sneeze. Usually someone says it to them. I asked her why she says that and she told me that not everyone will say bless you. "You don't have to wait for someone to say you're blessed after you sneeze. Say it to yourself. If you wait for someone to say bless you, you've missed your blessing. I don't live to wait for people but myself ." I wholeheartedly support her saying and not just because she's my mother. Not everyone will recognize you, appreciate, or praise you. Praise yourself, appreciate yourself, celebrate yourself. You'll be much happier celebrating yourself and not waiting for someone to do it for you, because most of the time the only person you can trust to do those things is yourself.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


      Edgar Allen Poe was an American poet who's works are best known for the Gothic and supernatural. Poe had a challenging life that was full of family deaths left and right. His father left the family and a year later, his mother died. Also, his uncle,  William Galt died and left his wealth with Poe. Along with his uncle came his wife, Virginia Clemm, who was also his cousin. It's hard for anyone to go through family deaths, but these deaths are what some believe to have inspired his Gothic writing.
      Poe went through many sad events (mainly deaths) in his life and his writing kind of shows the tragedy he has been through. Most of his poems and stories usually have deaths involved in them such as the House of Usher and Legeia. In both these pieces, the main character either has gone through someone's death or has a friend or acquaintance who has gone through it. Poe used his life sadness to create the plot and basis of these books. His works have contributed to the modern genre of supernatural and horror. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What is an American?

     In my opinion, an American isn't someone who was born in America, whose parents are citizens, or someone whose great-grandfathers were from America. An American is someone who isn't prejudice, narrow minded, or exclusive.      If a U.S. born person is asked whether they are an American, they would probably say yes. However, that isn't necessarily true. As most history and social studies classes have thought us, the first Americans came from other places such as Europe. Of course, we also know that the Native Indians were literally the first Americans since they were in the U.S. prior to any Europeans. In any sense, most of the Europeans, if not all, wanted to be freed from religious persecutions. That is why they came to the Americas. They hoped for more freedom and acceptance of their believes. Freedom is one major thing the an American must consider. Because someone isn't the same race, religion, or has the same mindset as you, that doesn't mean you should treat them differently or look down on them. Don't exclude them from occasions or events because of these features. Instead, be curious to find out more of this person's culture, believes, and background. By acknowledging these thing, it will be easier to see the world from their view, thus making it easier to communicate better.      A true American has nothing to do with that person's roots or ancestry. It all depends on their openness and lack to be prejudice. If an American was defined by who was born in America, then none of us (except maybe the Native Indians) would be Americans. All of us were brought from different continents and somehow came to be in the place we are now. That is why an American should be viewed as someone who is impartial, open, inclusive, as well as not assuming things because if if really comes down to it, the unfairness people might show to "non-Americans" is basically the same as doing it to themselves. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritan 

      In both an olden and modern tongue, a Puritan is someone who is strict in ways of doing things. The Puritans in the olden days were very strict about behavior because they were based on a theocracy. The bible was the law back then, and if you disobeyed the bible, you disobeyed the law. In the same way, some countries today use the system the Puritans used. In Iran for example, the law there is the same as the laws of their God. So in a way, Puritan society still exists today, but not in the way most people depict it to be. Also, the Vatican is a form of theocracy similar to the Puritans. The pope is in charge of the area and basically commands the rest of the Christians according to the teachings of God. If a problem is serious enough to make it to the pope, he will decide what to do to resolve the conflict. The Puritans had a kind of court like this as shown in The Crucible when the accused came before judge Danforth (as stupid, blind, and again stupid in my opinion) he made a judgement to resolve the problem. The result of his judgements were usually death or prison. However, the pope can't make such    decisions to sentence death as it is not his portion to judge a person's life in that manner, but in God's hands. I believe that the idea of Puritanism will continue in decades and even centuries to come because the laws that the believers' form of instruction (bible for instance) come in is basically the same as the laws of the country. You cannot kill according to the ten commandments, and in the U.S., murder is a crime. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

John Proctor
Many may view John Proctor as a stooge because he had an affair with Abigail, and few may see him as a hero because of his last actions before he was hanged.
             As readers of The Crucible know, John Proctor was a farmer who lived with his wife Elizabeth and two sons. He wasn't like most puritans at the time. He seldom went to church and his children weren't baptized, which made the town's people suspicious about his faith and loyalty. One of the people who questioned his loyalty was his wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth hired Reverend Parris's niece, Abigail, to work for her family. This 'work' eventually turned into an affair between John and Abigail. Elizabeth knew about this, but kept it to herself.
When Abigail and her group of girls were accused of witchcraft, they all pretended and blamed it on person after person until the town was so bare that cattle were strolling about. Finally, Elizabeth was accused of witchcraft by Abigail and co and was arrested. John, determined to rescue his wife, went to the court to plead on behalf of his wife. This is where John's heroics emerge. Abigail, her girls, John, and the judges were present in the court. John called for his maid Mary to testify that the girls were pretending. Mary is unable to convince the judges and the girls use this opportunity to make it seem that Mary was involved in witchcraft by repeating the words she spoke. Down to his last shred of dignity, John admits that that he and Abigail slept together, and the only reason she accused Elizabeth of witchcraft is so that Abigail could have Elizabeth's place in bed. I believe that John's admittance shows that he is a true hero. A hero must have the courage to admit his wrongs and try to fix them. John wronged Elizabeth and now he admitted it so that he could try to save her.
After Mary's testimony that the girls pretended failed, she ran back to them and accused John of threatening to kill her. Enraged at this and the whole situation of Salem, he shouts, "God is dead!" Now, I'm not agreeing with what he said since I'm Christian, but I can understand what he means and how he feels. The fact that he even says this shows that he knows that something is not right with the town. How can so many people be accused and everyone believe that it is true? What he said means that the town is messed up and there isn't peace, happiness, unity, or anything good; all is bad. A true hero must be able to recognize when something is amiss and act on that.

Finally, when John is asked to sign a deposition to confess his sins and go back to living the way he was, he refuses and rips the paper after signing it. He knows that the paper will be hung on the church for everyone one to see, but he has lost everything and wants to keep his name. He says, "I have given you my soul; leave me my name!" In the end Proctor does what is right even though he knows he will be hung. His wife Elizabeth seconds his action and knows that he is doing what he believes is right. John is a true hero because he chose punishment for his wrongs instead of selling out to live his normal life. If he had sold out, his life might not even be normal because the people might resent him for what he has done. A true hero is able to admit wrong, know when something is wrong, and accept punishment for what he/she has done. John Proctor has shown all these traits and exceeded them. He is worthy of being called a hero.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

   Samuel Kajah blog 2                                                                                                                       
There Goes the Neighborhood
The phrase ‘There goes the neighborhood’ is a saying used to describe an unfortunate or malevolent event or condition that could change the reputation of a community or even the community itself. When Spaniard Christopher Columbus (originally Italian) and his crew arrived on the island of San Salvador, they surveyed the various animals, plants, and the general area. He took a liking to the nature and wished to return home with some of his discoveries. Columbus and his men approached a village and noticed that the natives had already fled their homes. The natives had seen Columbus and co coming and knew that they might be in trouble, so they fled with their valuables into the mountains. In a modern tongue, the natives would’ve thought or said ‘there goes the neighborhood’ because the Spaniards invaded their land. Columbus took plants and other resources left and right to return home with. The natives probably saw this as a treat and ran away. What they were thinking (there goes the neighborhood) meant that their home was being invaded and changed it in a way that was not benefiting them. Their situation concerning Columbus perfectly depicts the phrase.

            Similarly, communities in Chicago faced what the natives of San Salvador went through when Columbus took advantage of their land. In mostly the southern and western parts of Chicago, lots of murders, stealing, and other crimes occur each and every day. The people of those communities think only of their safety and have little time to enjoy outside their homes. Gangs and their enemies make these communities their war ground and that doesn’t benefit the civilians in that neighborhood in anyway.  Like the natives, those people hide where they can to avoid the violence. Also, whenever a crime happens and it gets on the news, the people of the community think ‘there goes the neighborhood.’ This is because the reputation of the area is painted malevolent and all other people outside that neighborhood see it as inferior to their own. Columbus appreciated the land of the natives but he still had the intention of taking their resources for Spain. The natives knew this and fled to avoid any unnecessary dilemmas just like people today flee to avoid violence.  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

ME Whitney Young Life           

 Hello, my name is Samuel Kajah and I am a sophmore at Whitney Young Magnet Highschool. There are various things people might not know or even consider me to be or do because of my appearance. The fact is that, looks don't determine what a person will be like, and most definitely don't define who that person is. Some  people may look lazy, but actually turn out to be the most athletic person in the class. It is similar with me. I may not look athletic or even academic, but I am completely dedicated to both lives.
             Academically, I consider myself to be one of the focused and attentive students in the class. I listen to what the teacher says and take note of the important sentences that might occur on an assignment or test. I usually participate if I am comfortable with the topic and understand what that topic is. If I'm lost on the topic, I'll ask for help or clarification just as someone who needs aid should. Asking for help is one of my specialties, and at this age it should be  normal to ask for help frequently, whether it be with an assignment or for directions. Like I mentioned before, I'm more of an attentive person who pays close attention to most things even though it might not seem that way. Then again, everyone has moments when they just aren't that into something.

            In my athletics, I try hard to be one of the best just like in my academics. Academics still hold a higher place than athletics to me however, but athletics are still important. I play soccer and am part of the soccer team here at Whitney Young. I've been playing for a few years on my grammar school's team and hope to continue playing throughout highschool. I also play volleyball to accompany my soccer. Though I am yet to play on the school team, I have played on my grammar school's team for a couple of years. This school year, I hope to join the volleyball team as well.

           In my perspective, I can be described as a person dedicated to academics as well as athletics. I like to be the best as I can be and offer as much as can. I'm sure there are others like me in this class.