Wednesday, November 27, 2013


When people ponder about who or what they are thankful for, they always refer to their family members or friends. Few are grateful for their classmates, but now they have to be. I could list various names in my class I am grateful for, but in my opinion, one person makes the class interesting (apart from the teacher of course; extra credit for that one). That person is Devin O'banion. He is not only smart and intellectual (always using big words), he's also funny and makes the class worth while. He brings up meaningful questions and comments that could be debated upon and cause uproar in the classroom. Devin is definitely a person I am grateful for. He is funny, smart, and always has something meaningful to say about the topics that we discuss we in class. When I'm not in the mood for English, his comments usually get me interested in the class once more. He is a great classmate and friend, and I am truly thankful for him. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

    When I heard the topic of this blog, it was vague to me. What does it mean to celebrate oneself? I interpreted it to mean that one should be proud of themselves for what they've accomplished. Big or small, an accomplishment is still great and if no one will praise you for it, then praise yourself. Even if it's a special occasion and no one shows concern for it, then show concern for yourself. You'll be much happier recognizing yourself than waiting for someone else to recognize you.
   My friend once told me about this homeless man on the bus. He was singing happy birthday to himself and everyone looked at him weirdly. I admire that man because he didn't wait for someone to recognize him. If it's your birthday and no one sings to you, then sing to yourself and make yourself happy. Whether you've done something good or not, appreciate yourself because you can. Not everyone will be proud of you or praise you so do it yourself.
   The same way, when my mother sneezes, she says, "Bless me." I often laugh at this because not many people say, "Bless me," when they sneeze. Usually someone says it to them. I asked her why she says that and she told me that not everyone will say bless you. "You don't have to wait for someone to say you're blessed after you sneeze. Say it to yourself. If you wait for someone to say bless you, you've missed your blessing. I don't live to wait for people but myself ." I wholeheartedly support her saying and not just because she's my mother. Not everyone will recognize you, appreciate, or praise you. Praise yourself, appreciate yourself, celebrate yourself. You'll be much happier celebrating yourself and not waiting for someone to do it for you, because most of the time the only person you can trust to do those things is yourself.